Error code CE0106. Cannot find user roles

I am receiving error CE0106 when I attempt to run my application as apart of the mendix rapid developer course. It specifies that at least one role must be selected if the microflow is used… I found in this forum that one must right click on the applicable workspace and select userrole. I cannot seem to find this when I right click on the space that I am calling the microflow from. Any advice on 1. Whether this is the correct thing I need to do and 2. if so, where can I access the userroles? (I cannot update mendix as this is part of a class and teacher requires this version) Thank You! 
2 answers


What you can do is select View-properties from the menu bar. Then in the properties pane, under ‘Navigation’ select ‘Visible for’. A pop-up will show where you can select the required user role. You can also right-click on the microflow with your mouse and select ‘Properties;  – ‘Allowed roles’ to get the same pop-up.



     That means, Allowed roles of the that particular Microflow is none. To resolve this issue, just open that Microflow and do double-click on it. Now you can see the Edit Microflow Popup window. In that popup, under Security Panel you can see Allowed roles selection option. Just select atleast one role.
