Empty variable from REST API call

Hello! I’m using the Graphhopper API for my thesis project. Specifically I’m using this URL:  https://graphhopper.com/api/1/route?point=51.131,12.414&point=48.224,3.867&points_encoded=false&instructions=false&key=22350e14-8a74-45a3-a543-5a2caa8cb7d4 Now, if I enter this URL in my browser, it comes up with some basic information about the route, and most importantly, with a String list of all the route points.  I’m using the Call REST function in a microflow I’m using, and based on the mapping it is supposed to have all these points in the Points variable. The problem here is that it’s empty.  What could be the issue here??  
3 answers


Assuming that this is the object you have included in your question:

Points is not a string attribute of this entity, but a series of related entities.  You should have some additional associations to that entity.  Maybe an entity call Points that you can retrieve via association.  Once you’ve got that, you will be able to retrieve all of the point data from that one.  Here is the JSON structure I got:

Hope that helps,



It appears that I haven’t done the exact mapping as you did, because Points, were appearing as an attribute of Route, which is why it seemed weird to me. Now that I re-did the mapping, I have points as an entity, which will help me to retrieve the points of the Route! Thanks a lot Mike!


Hello Mike!

I was able to retrieve the Paths root and the JsonObject root with the Retrieve via association function, but I’m having difficulties retrieving the Points root, since I want the Coordinates entity. The JsonObject upon retrieval is returning a List as an output and on the debugger I could see only some references for the Points root. I was also unable to retrieve the Points root with the Retrieve via association function. Do you have any idea on how to do this??
