Editable Grid in MySql Database

Hello Team, I am using mendix data grid with external datasource(MYSQL) as microflow, able to connect to DB but not able to edit editable grid  also search button is not working. Error Code : Message Element Document Module 6 CE0511 A grid with data source 'microflow' cannot have editable columns. Property 'Editable' of grid column 'column10' 
1 answers

This sounds like a use case for external entities and Mendix data hub, https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/external-entities 

Other options:

Load and commit all data from sql into the local database before use. Database replication is an option for this. https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/160/ 

Or create custom search and paging: https://docs.mendix.com/howto/logic-business-rules/server-side-paging 

And there may be other options i did not think of.

I hope this helps.
