Option to disable of comment out pieces of a microflow (actions, splits etc) - Mendix Forum

Option to disable of comment out pieces of a microflow (actions, splits etc)


When making changes it is often usefull to keep existing pieces of a microflow for reverting back, testing only specific pieces of a microflow or for checking 'old' functionality. 

In classic coding you can easily comment out a piece of code. It would be nice to have an option to (temparary) disable of exclude a piece of a microflow. 

3 answers

Yes, Yes, Yes!
Go Mendixmake us happy,

Similar idea here: https://forum.mendix.com/link/ideas/257


I like it and I also like Willems idea. What I currently do in this cases is: Create a microflow, name it eg. Doc_[x], and exclude it from the project.


What is also sometimes used is the cood old true split to jump over temporarily disabled logic. Oh these workarounds… ;)


Totally agree with this idea! Not sure if commenting out pieces in existing logic is the best way to achieve this (however, would also be great!). An easier way to implement this might be the ability to create a “comment” section in a microflow, in which you can copy paste the commented pieces of logic.

In my mind it looks something like this:
