Datagrid reorder columns by microflow - Mendix Forum

Datagrid reorder columns by microflow


I am using a datagrid to show reports (or anything). The datagrid is nested inside a dataview which has a "Filter" entity as it's source. The datagrid is sourced by a microflow using the Filter object as input. 

It would be great to reorder the datagrid's columns based on some of the attributes I have set in the enclosing Filter object.

I was thinking this could be done by a microflow as that gives the full flexibility to order as one wishes. 

As microflows deal with objects perhaps the input parameters to this column sorting microflow could be these 2: firstly the Filter object so I can read its attributes, and secondly a list of special objects to represent the columns, where the special object would have the name of the column as an attribute or perhaps the name of the attribute being shown in that column. 
This list can them be manipulated using standard microflow list operations to create a new ordered list as the output returned by the microflow, where the order of the list determines the order of the columns from left to right in the datagrid. 

It would be great to have such flexability opened up, hopefully it's feasable.

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