Extend the Loop-activity with conditions like x-times, until x < y etcetera - Mendix Forum

Extend the Loop-activity with conditions like x-times, until x < y etcetera


The Loop-activity now only loops over a list. If you want to loop over anything else you have to build your loop. For instance like this:


Instead I would like the loop to have a condition.

For instance loop 3 times (and of course in the loop have a counter available):

3 times

or with a more complex condition (in this example Date needs to increase every loop):

complex condition

We can even give the loop a property 'max nr of runs' after which the loop would throw an error, thus preventing uncaught endless looping.

13 answers

As a solution for the `Do X Times` case that avoids rebuilding the ‘loop with counter’ logic every time that works for me:

In my project I create a separate microflow `CreateXTimesList` with one Integer parameter X. Inside that microflow I build up a list with X items (what type of item doesn’t really matter) and return it.  The next time you want to loop X times, you first call the microflow `CreateXTimesList` with the X you want, and after that you iterate over the resulting list. Everything in your loop will then be executed X times.

I guess this approach does not perform optimally, but as long as the X is not that big, it should not matter that much.

(And if you need the counter inside the loop, you can modify ‘CreateXTimesList’ so that it creates a list with objects that contain the loop numbers)


@Nikel Kruizinga  I like your suggestion for looping over an Enum. Same goes for looping over a listOfObjects. Also you indeed do want the loop to remain easy to debug and the overhead should be minimal.


I am not a fan. Especially not of the while loop, which is fundamentally complex to reason about. It's much easier to reason about what a loop will do when you can trace all the steps in it, which is the case by default in the way you currently create a loop in Mendix.

If you would have said that we should be able to iterate over all the values of an enum, then yeah, you'd have my vote :).


One year old idea with 50 votes, will this ever get on the Mendix backlog?


This is a great idea! Thank you for the submission


Would be very handy!
Especially the do x times


Only if it is done efficiently without overhead, otherwise I am happy to build by myself with not more overhead.


Something you learn in your first programming lesson. Should definitely be part of Mendix ;-)


Great idea! Sounds like such a basic feature. 


great idea!

it would also be awesome if we could loop over an enumeration :)


I really like this idea. It would save us developers a lot of time not having to build custom loops everytime!


Happens so often, that you have to build the shown workaround to achieve "Do-While"-loops.

I don't understand how Mendix could ignore that for so long, which is a basic operation in almost all programming languages. 


Sounds good!
