Lets bring ParsleyJS to Mendix! - Mendix Forum

Lets bring ParsleyJS to Mendix!


Hi All!

Semi-new Mendix Developer here!  We've been doing a lot of proof of concept work at our company and found that while Mendix's client-side validation is very nice there were some requirements in my project that made me really want more out of the Mendix client-side validation than Mendix could do standard. 

After some research on the internet I found ParsleyJS :


I was really impressed by all of the functionality available in this library!  I was always planning to have both a client side and server side (microflow based) validation framework for my projects but a fully functional ParsleyJS would go way above and beyond on my client side validation requirements plus the UX is very nice out of the box.  

Now, myself and team member attempted to integrate ParsleyJS into a Mendix project and got close trying several approaches (importing Parsley files, Javascript, and HTML snippets, etc.) but nothing reached the usability level I wanted to achieve. 

To sum up the problem I think the main issue here is being able to intercept the response from a microflow and allow parsley to be validated somewhere between the response a microflow gives and how the on-screen CSS and validations respond from parsley....maybe. 

Anyways...it would be great if we could ban together to vote up this idea so robust client side validation results can be handled via the ParsleyJS Client Side Validation Library and unlock a new range of client side validation messaging potential. 

Thanks all!

2 answers

At Mendix we try to abstract away from (javascript) libraries and use visual modeling to build apps. For client side validations we have the expressions and nanoflows. However, we can learn from frameworks like this. What functionality are you missing?


Possibly a duplicate of https://forum.mendix.com/link/ideas/665?
