Configure weight for multiple device / screen sizes when using layout grids - Mendix Forum

Configure weight for multiple device / screen sizes when using layout grids


When using a layout grid, currently only one weight per column can be provided. This results in the corresponding bootstrap grid system classes for medium device/screen sizes and up (col-md-*). I know you can manually add classes like col-sm-* and col-xs-* to specify the behavior for other screen sizes and devices, however, it would be great if these weights could be added as modeler properties too. This makes it even easier to develop responsive web applications, even without in-depth knowledge of the bootstrap grid system.

If implemented, it would be useful to provide a setting per navigation profile in which you can specify which device / screen sizes you want to enable.

2 answers

This functionality is available in the web modeler. However, not (yet) in the Desktop Modeler.


Second this! It would be great if the columns you specify would be for all sizes by default. And you would need to specify a different column width for mobile if you would like to do so.
