Select the changes you want to commit (instead of all changes in one commit) - Mendix Forum

Select the changes you want to commit (instead of all changes in one commit)


If you made several changes in your model, you can only commit them all at once.

I would like a feature where I can select the changed documents per commit.

A best practice is to commit only changes that belong together, or to a specifc story, bug fix etc. and not too many changes in one commit. However while developing one sometimes makes several changes at a time (belonging to different stories). The only option you have is to undo the changes and do them in the proper order and commit after each change. I would prefer the option where I can select which changes to commit (like Git allows you to).

This will allow for better merging and easier release management since one commit only contains one specific change.

I understand this is probably not possible within one document (e.g. splitting several changes in one microflow to several commits) however I think it should be doable for seperate documents (commit changes in microflow A first, then commit changes in microflow C).

3 answers

I have more experience with TFS and Bitbucket and I am missing this feature in the Modeler as well. It would help a lot!


I'm not sure this is such a good idea as it will be very easy to commit an inconsistent model with this feature. In the current way of working it is better to rigorously branch for every feature / story you want to work on.


