Access to nested objects for context in a data view - Mendix Forum

Access to nested objects for context in a data view



For a while now, we can use nested list and dataviews for conditional visibility and this is great! Now there is still a pain left when it comes to the Dataview Data source.

As you can see on the attached picture, I have a top level “CaseHelper” on my page and some levels lower I want access to a TaskInstance. This is only displayed based on nested conditional visibility, but unfortunately I cannot load the TaskInstance without having the CaseHelper as direct parent. We now solve this by a Nanoflow in which the input and output is the same, without any logic. It would be great if the Context option of Data Source would also display all objects above my TaskInstance Dataview, and not only the direct parent. 

So I would like this to be changed/expanded:

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