Show message Newer version available, would you like to update your project? when running your app locally. - Mendix Forum

Show message Newer version available, would you like to update your project? when running your app locally.


It would be nice to show a message like “Newer version available, would you like to update your project?" when running you app locally.
Of course it could be the case that you want your local application to be different from the team server, but you should be notified about a newer version when available.

Main reason:
Multiple developers at my current and previous projects forget to update their projects during the day and run into issues while committing.

4 answers

Great idea, surely when it is kept clearly visible but non-invasive and not mandatory to update before you continu your own work.


@ Robin, good addition indeed. I can imagine that will be marked as annoying by some users.

@ Jelle, that's also a good solution. In my opinion there just need to be some kind of visual element that show's you need to update. What the developer will do with that sign is up to them.


Instead of a pop-up when running the project, I think it would be nice to have a status indicator in the Studio Pro menu bar. Maybe by adding a number next to “Version control” which indicates how many versions have been committed since you last updated.


If this were to be implemented, please make it an optional feature. I can imagine that this gets annoying really fast if multiple people are working on the same branch line.
