The Open link click event for buttons, containers, etc, really needs an option to open in the same window, and/or become a proper <a> element - Mendix Forum

The Open link click event for buttons, containers, etc, really needs an option to open in the same window, and/or become a proper <a> element


Currently, if you want a container, button or image to follow a URL on click (be it a static or attribute URL), the page element does not function as a link, and users dont have the option to right-click, and open in a new tab. Something particularly frustrating/confusing when it comes to Link Buttons. We’ve had to use HtmlSnippet, formatString and CustomString widgets in the past as workarounds to this limitation, which feels frustrating for such a simple and common thing for web pages.

On top of the Address options, I feel like we should have


Which would give us more flexibility when we want to help users navigate to other websites. 

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