Native Mobile - Hamburger Menu - Mendix Forum

Native Mobile - Hamburger Menu


Hi guys,

I cant find this atlas layout, but it seems like something most people would like.

the hamburger menu sidebar toggle =D


3 answers

Or what would also help is to define from which side the page is sliding in – either from the left or the right :) So I can define it by myself dependent on whether it’s an iOS or Android pattern.


Hi Ronnie,

you are right, on all those profiles there is a hamburger menu, just for native mobile there isn’t one.

I asked Danny from Mendix, and he said there will be one coming to Native Mobile, but because it is best practise to no use hambuger menu’s they havn’t added it yet, but hopefully it will come soon :D 


Maybe it's me, and i don't understand your question correctly..

But the HybridPhone_Sidebar has a hamburger.
The Responsive pagelayouts have a hamburger.
The Tablet layout has a hamburger.

And you can add on every pagelayout a left or right region and a toggle button to make your own hamburger pagelayout.
When you made it, you save it in your project and everyone who works on that project can use it.
Also you can export your Atlas UI Module (or the page-layout itself) and upload it in the app store or import it in different projects.
