A more practical & useful sorting of results while using the expression editors autocomplete function - Mendix Forum

A more practical & useful sorting of results while using the expression editors autocomplete function


Often I find that – while using the expression editor – the autocomplete result sorting (ctrl + space) is far from practical / useful, e.g. while changing objects or creating variables. In my experience the first results are often far fetched and rarely used. Because of this users have to navigate the list most of the times (countless times a day) while the obvious item could be on top. In my opinion it would probably be more useful to sort on Match word first, followed by context of the variable used (attribute names) and then the rest (associations, constants, etc.).

Two examples:



3 answers

Good news,

In one of the upcoming releases of Mendix 8 (I currently think Mendix 8.2.0) we tweaked the ordering of the results. Hope that will improve it.

Thanks for the idea!



100% agree. Would save a lot of time.


Absolutely! Great idea. “Match word” first.
