Make Count the default selected function for Aggregate List activity - Mendix Forum

Make Count the default selected function for Aggregate List activity


95% of the time I use the Aggregate List activity I’m performing the ‘Count’ function. But when placing an Aggregate List activity it always defaults with the ‘Sum’ function. Very minor point, but it would save me some clicks and a bit of time if this would default to the Count function.


1 answers

Reducing the number of clicks to get what you need, I am all in favor.

95% of count-activities get followed by a Split-activity checking if count = 0. Therefor, I would like it even better if these aggregation-functions (sum, count, ...) would be available in the expression part of the Split-activity.

Also resulting in no database retrieval as long as the “PersonList” is not used, same as now.
