Flutter and Dart - Mendix Forum

Flutter and Dart


Hi There,

Flutter and Dart are quite growing up in 2019. Do we have a road map for this ? in case of mobile.

Such as Flutter Plugin for iOS and Android, Flutter package for mobile widget, or Flutter module .

2 answers

Flutter is near to native since it compile via C/C++, and there are a lot pre-build widget, so i think it will contribute more on custom widget on mendix store. Flutter has a rich UI component on material.io, but in react-native we need to depend on some several third-party.

If we can build flutter in mendix, we can utilize its CLI, and somehow we can think about CI/CD

and i notice that AirBnB has stop doing the react-native on mobile and try to move to a new framework, maybe this is flutter.


With Mendix 8 we introduced native mobile based on ReactNative. With Mendix we want to let our user develop great app without having to know the technical framework beneath it, as we abstract that away. For extensions, native SDKs can be integrated (after GA) and exposed through nanoflow actions or widgets (basically ReactNative Components).

Can you explain more about the use case? At the moment we have no plans for this, because ReactNative is already a very rich framework with many components and capabilities.
