Include string attributes set in microflows, for the import / export of batch translations. - Mendix Forum

Include string attributes set in microflows, for the import / export of batch translations.


A lot of values used by the pages are already included in batch translations, but attributes hard set by microflow entity changes don't get picked up in the batch translation process. It would be helpful if this was included.

2 answers

An attribute is set to a hard value for example an attribute called FullAddress, it is then set to

$AddressLine1 +

$AddressLine2 +

$ZipCode + ' ’ + $City  

for English(United States),

but in dutch you want to set it to

$Street + ' ’ + $HouseNo + $HouseNoExtention +

$ZipCode + ' ’ + $City  


or another example could be, you use an entity attribute to define a message that you need in the interface.

Currently when you batch translate non of these attributes are picked up for translation.

And yes, in a lot of scenario's you will want to set it to the same value across all languages. 



I don’t understand that idea. What exactly do you want to translate here?
