Allow JSON editing for page configuration, element properties - Mendix Forum

Allow JSON editing for page configuration, element properties


Now we are forced in modeler to build/modify graphically, yeah awesome.
But it could be really faster when we could edit directly the textual page configuration / elements properties in JSON , like text, labels, weights,  expressions, classes, etc.

Think about it as an (oversimplified) JSON object;

  "page": "Dashboard",
  "class": "background-color-lightgray",
  "page_elements": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "label",
    "value": "$Customer/Name",
    "conditional_visibility_elements": {
      "type": "expression",
      "value": "$Customer/LovesMendix"


2 answers

Yeah I know, therefore I used the term oversimplified as a more simple version of the SDK. And they probably did a lot of the hard work for a similar mechanism for in the modeler, so oversimplified mechanism would may be not that much work.


Do you have any idea how complex the JSON would be? Take a look at the SDK documentation for pages.
