Conditional Iteration Construct/Action in Microflows/Nanoflows (For/While loops) - Mendix Forum

Conditional Iteration Construct/Action in Microflows/Nanoflows (For/While loops)


Currently we have a loop action (or iterator) over lists. A similar one which iterates until a condition is met is also nice to have. This would help create for and while loops which is a very common case when implementing business logic.

I know it can be achieved using variables, split and merge actions but having an iterator like action would make the flows more readable and maintainable.  Also, a little more low-code when you don't have to create the variables and split actions every time? 


Some simple use cases that we keep coming across every now and then:


2 answers

Ah! Thanks Tim, that one is, indeed, (exactly) the same. Somehow I did not chance upon it when I was searching for this topic. Upvoted! :)


Great idea. Please upvote this one too, since it is about the same:
